Friday, July 25, 2008

Just Enough

I sorry
For my long absence.
No longer.

There is much I have
To say, but too few
syllables - oh no!

Summer rocks,
I likes both my jobs,
God is good.

More to come.
Until then, I think He's
Just enough.

Monday, July 7, 2008

To the man at The Only Cafe in Modesto with WiFi, with love from Steph

by Lisa

man with my macbook,
with notebooks only i use,
coffee in a mug

you're really scruffy,
look sort of like orlando
but not so elvish

or as cute, but still.
i'm not sure how to break it -
is this not awkward?

i just want to say:
isn't it cray cray* that we
are the same person??

but instead i just
sit there and e-mail lisa
lamenting. silence.

*crazy, in Steph-speak